Class Interpolate

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Class Documentation

class rmf_traffic::agv::Interpolate

Public Static Functions

static Trajectory positions(const VehicleTraits &traits, Time start_time, const std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> &input_positions, const Options &options = Options())
class Options

Public Functions

Options(bool always_stop = false, double translation_thresh = 1e-3, double rotation_thresh = 1.0 * M_PI / 180.0, double corner_angle_thresh = 1.0 * M_PI / 180.0)
Options &set_always_stop(bool choice)

The robot must always come to a complete stop at every position. When this is true, all other properties in the options will have no effect.

bool always_stop() const
Options &set_translation_threshold(double dist)

If a waypoint is closer than this distance to its prior or subsequent waypoint, then it is allowed to be skipped.

double get_translation_threshold() const

Get the translation threshold.

Options &set_rotation_threshold(double angle)

If a waypoint’s orientation is closer than this angle to the prior or subsequent waypoint, then it is allowed to be skipped.

double get_rotation_threshold() const

Get the rotation threshold.

Options &set_corner_angle_threshold(double angle)

If two line segments make a corner that is greater than this angle, then the waypoint must not be ignored.

double get_corner_angle_threshold() const

Get the corner angle threshold.