Class Lane::Node

Nested Relationships

This class is a nested type of Class Graph::Lane.

Class Documentation

class rmf_traffic::agv::Graph::Lane::Node

A Lane Node wraps up a Waypoint with constraints. The constraints stipulate the conditions for entering or exiting the lane to reach this waypoint.

Public Functions

Node(std::size_t waypoint_index, rmf_utils::clone_ptr<Event> event = nullptr, rmf_utils::clone_ptr<OrientationConstraint> orientation = nullptr)


  • waypoint_index: The index of the waypoint for this Node

  • event: An event that must happen before/after this Node is approached (before if it’s an entry Node or after if it’s an exit Node).

  • orientation: Any orientation constraints for moving to/from this Node (depending on whether it’s an entry Node or an exit Node).

Node(std::size_t waypoint_index, rmf_utils::clone_ptr<OrientationConstraint> orientation)

Constructor. The event parameter will be nullptr.

  • waypoint_index: The index of the waypoint for this Node

  • orientation: Any orientation constraints for moving to/from this Node (depending on whether it’s an entry Node or an exit Node).

std::size_t waypoint_index() const

Get the index of the waypoint that this Node is wrapped around.

const Event *event() const

Get a reference to an event that must occur before or after this Node is visited.


Before if this is an entry node or after if this is an exit node

Node &event(rmf_utils::clone_ptr<Event> new_event)

Set the event that must occur before or after this Node is visited.

const OrientationConstraint *orientation_constraint() const

Get the constraint on orientation that is tied to this Node.