Struct DispatchState

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Struct Documentation

struct rmf_task_ros2::DispatchState


TaskStatus struct is based on TaskSummary.msg

Public Types

enum Status


enumerator Queued

This task has not been assigned yet.

enumerator Selected

An assignment has been selected, but we have not received acknowledgment from the assignee

enumerator Dispatched

The task is dispatched and no longer being managed by the dispatcher.

enumerator FailedToAssign

There was a failure to assign the task to anyone.

enumerator CanceledInFlight

The task was canceled before it managed to get dispatched.

using Msg = rmf_task_msgs::msg::DispatchState

Public Functions

DispatchState(std::string task_id, rmf_traffic::Time submission_time)

Public Members

std::string task_id

The Task ID for that this dispatching refers to.

rmf_traffic::Time submission_time

Submission arrival time.

Status status = Status::Queued

The status of this dispatching.

std::optional<Assignment> assignment

The assignment that was made for this dispatching.

std::vector<nlohmann::json> errors

Any errors that have occurred for this dispatching.

struct Assignment

Public Members

std::string fleet_name
std::string expected_robot_name