Class TaskPlanner::Configuration

Nested Relationships

This class is a nested type of Class TaskPlanner.

Class Documentation

class rmf_task::TaskPlanner::Configuration

The Configuration class contains planning parameters that are immutable for each TaskPlanner instance and should not change in between plans.

Public Functions

Configuration(Parameters parameters, Constraints constraints, ConstCostCalculatorPtr cost_calculator)


  • [in] parameters: The parameters that describe the agents

  • [in] constraints: The constraints that apply to the agents

  • [in] cost_calculator: An object that tells the planner how to calculate cost

const Parameters &parameters() const

Get the parameters that describe the agents.

Configuration &parameters(Parameters parameters)

Set the parameters that describe the agents.

const Constraints &constraints() const

Get the constraints that are applicable to the agents.

Configuration &constraints(Constraints constraints)

Set the constraints that are applicable to the agents.

const ConstCostCalculatorPtr &cost_calculator() const

Get the CostCalculator.

Configuration &cost_calculator(ConstCostCalculatorPtr cost_calculator)

Set the CostCalculator. If a nullptr is passed, the BinaryPriorityCostCalculator is used by the planner.