Class Payload

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Class Documentation

class rmf_task::Payload

Public Functions

Payload(std::vector<Component> components)


const std::vector<Component> &components() const

Components in the payload.

std::string brief(const std::string &compartment_prefix = "in") const

A brief human-friendly description of the payload

  • [in] compartment_prefix: The prefix to use when describing the compartments

class Component

Public Functions

Component(std::string sku, uint32_t quantity, std::string compartment)


const std::string &sku() const

Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) for this component of the payload.

uint32_t quantity() const

The quantity of the specified item in this component of the payload.

const std::string &compartment() const

The name of the compartment.