Class Estimate

Class Documentation

class rmf_task::Estimate

A class to store the time that the AGV should wait till before executing the request and the state of the AGV after finishing the request. Note: The wait time is different from the earliest_start_time specified in the request definition. The wait time may be earlier to ensure that the AGV arrvies at the first location of the request by the earliest_start_time

Public Functions

Estimate(State finish_state, rmf_traffic::Time wait_until)

Constructor of an estimate of the request.

  • [in] finish_state: Finish state of the robot once it completes the request.

  • [in] wait_until: The ideal time the robot starts executing this request.

State finish_state() const

Finish state of the robot once it completes the request.

Estimate &finish_state(State new_finish_state)

Sets a new finish state for the robot.

rmf_traffic::Time wait_until() const

The ideal time the robot starts executing this request.

Estimate &wait_until(rmf_traffic::Time new_wait_until)

Sets a new starting time for the robot to execute the request.